ANEW study by Tufts University scientists has found a possibleconnection between the quality of carbohydrates we eat and the riskof developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leadingcause of irreversible blindness. AMD usually strikes after middleage.
The findings support earlier research on a possible connectionbetween high glycemic index -- a measurement of how quicklycarbohydrates in foods are converted to blood sugar -- anddevelopment of AMD. But experts agree that more study is necessary.Carb intake, while important, may be just part of the picture.
Dr. Michael Marmor, professor of ophthalmology at StanfordUniversity Medical Center, called the study 'exciting news.'
'We're learning more about factors that may be significant in thedevelopment of macular degeneration,' he said. 'But there are stillmany unknowns.'
The researchers made their findings while analyzing informationfrom more than
4,000 men and women with varying degrees of AMD. They wereenrolled in a study of how high doses of some vitamins and zincmight affect the progression of AMD and cataracts.
In the course of analyzing the data on vitamins, the researchersnoted that men and women who consumed diets with a higher glycemicindex than average for their gender and age-group were at greaterrisk of developing advanced AMD. The severity of the AMD increasedwith increasing dietary glycemic index.
Foods like white rice, pasta and white bread, which have a highglycemic index, are associated with a faster rise and subsequentdrop in blood sugar than whole-wheat versions of the same foods.
But the researchers cautioned that more study is needed beforethey can recommend carb management as a 'prevention strategy' toprevent AMD.
Others factors need to be considered, Marmor said.
'People with a low glycemic index usually exercise, don't smokeand eat lots of vegetables, all methods known to promote goodhealth. And green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale,contain lutein, which is good for the eyes and low on the glycemicindex. It's difficult to control for all these factors in a study,'he said.
But trying to control the glycemic index is 'sound advice,' headded.
'The key factors influencing health, specifically eyes, aregenes, followed by no smoking. This is proven, this is fact,' hesaid. Other factorsare a healthy diet high in lutein and fish oil,reduced fat intake and awareness of the glycemic index.
'The glycemic index is not simply the carbs you eat but how theyare metabolized,' he said.
'Besides smoking, of the factors we can control, the mostimportant for health is what goes into our bodies -- our food. Eat alow-fat diet with lots of lutein and fish,' he said. 'If you can'teat such a diet, take a multivitamin and look for supplements thatcontains lutein and fish oil.'
Those with macular degeneration or at high risk for the diseasecould consider taking special formulas of multi-vitamins. But olderpeople don't need the very high dosages of multi-vitamins, he said.For questions, check with your ophthalmologist.
Identifying possible risk factors for AMD is increasinglyimportant as the population ages. Tuft researchers said that thenumber of people in the U.S. with AMD is expected to reach threemillion by 2020.
'None of these suggestions for healthy living will make gray hairgo away or turn back the clock,' Marmor said. 'But if you eat ahealthy, low-fat diet, rich in lutein and fish, and don't smoke --these are all factors in how we age. Those who live well and eathealthy do better with chronic disease.'
The study, by researchers from the Laboratory for Nutrition andVision Research at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition ResearchCenter on Aging at Tufts University, appeared in the July issue ofthe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
SENIORS ON THE MOVE -- Former state Sen. Jackie Speier, whoestablished the annual, free Seniors on the Move Conference in 1987and officiated at each conference until her retirement from theSenate in 2006, will appear at the upcoming conference thisWednesday at the South San Francisco Conference Center.
Now under the auspices of County Supervisor Adrienne Tissier andState Assemblyman Gene Mullin, the all-day event will feature TomVacar,
consumer editor for KTVU-TV; film critic Jan Wahl; former TVanchor Fred LaCosse, and Dr. Susan Ehrlich of the HealthCareConsortium of San Mateo County.
GRIEF WORKSHOP -- A workshop for those grieving or anticipatingan impending death will meet Oct. 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 700S. Claremont, San Mateo.
Facilitator for 'Intentional Grieving: It Matters More than YouThink' is counselor and life coach Petalyn Swart Albert. Donationson a sliding scale requested. For necessary registration, call or e-mail Stephanie at 650-685-2821 or
Time of Your Life appears every Monday with news and informationabout senior life in San Mateo County. To submit items of interestto Joan Aragone, call 348-4332 or write to Time of Your Life, SanMateo County Times, P.O. Box 5400, San Mateo CA 94402. You can alsoe-mail items to